
Get Paid Faster Quick Demo

Waiting on payments? PCS TMS helps carriers like you take control of invoicing, streamline settlements, and get paid faster—without the paperwork headaches. Watch this quick demo to see how our smarter tools keep cash moving, so you can focus on running your fleet, not chasing payments.


Hello, and thank you for joining us today. My name is Chase, and in this video, we’re going to go over some different ideas and concepts that can help you run a more effective, more efficient operation. For today’s purposes, we’re going to focus on the invoicing side of the house, showing you some different tools that can help your invoicing process become a lot quicker.

We all know there’s no magic button, unfortunately, that will make your customers pay faster, but getting the invoices out the door faster should hopefully mean that you are getting paid faster in return. Some different ideas and concepts, like I said, that makes that invoicing process just very, very simple. So that as soon as the load is delivered, that paperwork is ready to go and potentially invoices are out the door.

We’re going to start in our driver mobile App and show you how the imaging tool works, kind of correlates to that invoicing process, and then we’ll jump back into the main system to show you where that gives you the information you need to move forward.

So let me go ahead and share my screen here, and like I said, we are going to start in the driver’s mobile App. As a driver is going through their day-to-day load process, where they see their load information straight from their mobile App, where they’ve got all of their pickups and deliveries, so on and so forth.

As they go into these stops and they start marking their arrivals and departures, there’s a button that will appear up in the top right, which is the camera icon. This is going to allow the driver to take a picture of any of their load related documents, their bill of lading, their proof of delivery, scale tickets, whatever that may be. And it does have kind of a smart select built into it. So as they’re hovering over that piece of paper, the camera App will automatically recognize the piece of paper, snap the picture, and then try to get rid of anything in the background, like the steering wheel poking through the background of that image.

And then a copy of those, all of those documents will upload from the driver’s mobile app back into the main system attached directly to, in this case, load number (let’s call it) 178 there. So as long as the driver is doing that part of the process (uploading their paperwork), that’s all going back to the system so that right away, as soon as the driver’s delivered and press that camera button, you’re able to have your paperwork and be ready for the invoicing process.

So now let’s jump back into the main system and show you what the system does to help you keep track of all that. For starters, we’ll go into a customer’s profile here. I’m just going to open up any old customer. And then on the billing tab, there’s the ability to mark different kinds of paperwork as required, such as a bill of lading or a transport agreement or anything else that that customer may need.

That way the system is able to track the completion of that required paperwork. So by the time we get over into the accounting, into our invoicing screen, what this screen is doing is showing me a list of loads by default that have been delivered, and they’re just waiting to be invoiced.

Now back to that paperwork, the system is actually going to mark a “Y” in this backup column once these loads have that required category of paperwork, which, once again, ideally is all coming from your drivers to help streamline and speed up that process.

So I can very easily just click in my search box here, pull up a list of all those loads that have the paperwork completed. In this case, I’ve got six of them. And then from here, I can pick and choose, or I can just grab all these at once. And then after that, it’s just one and two clicks, and that is all it takes to get your invoices out the door.

The system will automatically create the invoice and attach that required paperwork as additional pages to that invoice. And then it can automatically distribute those directly wherever they need to go, and once again, that can be per customer. If you have some customers that require a mailed printed copy, maybe other customers are okay receiving an email with that attachment as a PDF. We do even have some integrations for factoring companies that can send that data directly to the factoring company.

Once again, just some different ideas and concepts that can help streamline your invoicing process. So from the time that driver delivers the load, to the time invoices are going out the door, maybe five minutes could have passed. Just getting the invoices out the door that much quicker so that ideally, you’re not waiting quite as long for your customers to get those payments back to you.

If you’re interested in seeing that or anything more, please feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to schedule a more in depth, maybe even tailored demo.

So once again, thank you for your time and we look forward to working with you in the future.

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Get Paid Faster Quick Demo

PCS TMS: Streamline invoicing, settlements, and get paid faster. Watch our demo to see how our tools keep cash moving for your fleet.