CFO on the Warpath? Master These 5 Questions to Tame Transportation Costs

Transportation managers brace yourselves – another year of volatile rates means your CFO is likely gearing up for some tough questions. Before the inevitable conversation throws you into a cold sweat, prepare yourself with answers to these key points:

  1. Are we leveraging our total transportation spend with carriers?
    Imagine the negotiating power you’d have with carriers if you presented them with your entire company’s freight instead of individual departments scrambling for deals. With PCS TMS for Shippers, get a holistic view of your total transportation spend across all business units, uncovering hidden opportunities to consolidate and leverage your volume for better rates.
  2. Are we engaged with the right set of carriers?
    New technologies, like FreightNet, can connect you to a wider network of carriers, including smaller fleets often overlooked by traditional methods. These hidden gems might offer comparable service at lower costs, boosting your bottom line without compromising quality.
  3. Are we consistently using contracted carriers and paying contracted rates?
    Load rejections are on the rise, and guess who gets stuck with the spot market’s inflated rates? You! Ensure you’re consistently using contracted carriers and paying agreed-upon rates. Our TMS helps identify and address any compliance gaps, saving you from unnecessary premium costs.
  4. Are you paying what we think we are?
    Traditionally, freight auditing and payment were outsourced, leaving room for errors and overcharges. Bring these processes in-house with PCS Freight Audit and Pay and leverage built-in features to meticulously scrutinize invoices. Catch hidden fees and discrepancies before they drain your budget
  5. Are our transportation costs aligned with the rest of the market?
    Are you unknowingly overpaying for transportation compared to similar companies? PCS provides market rate transparency, allowing you to compare your costs and identify areas for significant savings. Don’t settle for being above the curve – leverage data to become a cost-conscious leader.

Empowering Shippers with Data-Driven Decisions

PCS goes beyond basic transportation management. It equips you with the data and insights needed to navigate volatile markets, optimize spend, and confidently answer your CFO’s toughest questions. Don’t be caught unprepared – get a free demo to learn how PCS can help you take control of your transportation costs today!

Bonus Tip: Remember, a proactive approach is key. Don’t wait for the CFO to come knocking – use these insights to identify and address potential issues before they become problems.

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